Choosing the right insurance is more than a wise decision, it's a strategic investment in your future.
It empowers individuals and families to navigate uncertainties confidently and build a secure and
stable financial foundation.
Financial Protection
Unfortunately, the number one reason for bankruptcy in the U.S. is medical debt due to being uninsured or under-insured. This is completely avoidable. With the right plans you can be well protected at any budget.
Access Health Services
Having health insurance is the first step to accessing the health services you may need. However, not all plans cover all doctors, medical facilities or medications. When I do a needs analysis I make sure that the plans you see covers all of the health services and providers you may need.
Individual & Family Coverage
Many of the plans and coverages offered are for individuals. However, there are lots of plans that offer family coverage up to ages 18 and 26. Click on the "PRODUCTS" link in the menu bar to explore the products and coverages available.
Peace of Mind
Peace of mind is knowing that you and your family have the necessary coverage to access care and protect your finances. No one knows when or which diagnoses they will receive. I can make sure you are financially prepared to face those unknowns.
Education and Experience Matters When Choosing
A Broker
With more that seven years of experience and education, you can rest assured that you will receive the right guidance to choose plans that fit you and your family's needs and budget. My primary role is to educate you on your needs for coverage and plans that meet your needs and coverage goals. Then, it's up to you. You make a decision based on the information provided. You will not be pressured and no under-handed sales tactics will be used to steer you in one direction or another.
Certified Professional
Trusted Guidance
I am currently licensed in both Georgia and Alabama to write life and health insurance products. I am required to complete yearly certifications, new training and continuing education to keep my book of business and to continue writing new plans.
I have assisted many clients over the years and continue to gain new clients. People work with me because of my knowledge and experience, my ability to explain products simply and the knowledge that should they need my help I am only a text or call away.
Plans and Products
Under 65/ACA Health
These plans provide health insurance for those over age 18 and under age 65. The vast majority of applicants receive a large subsidy from the federal government to pay their monthly premium.
These plans consist of Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advantage and Part D Prescription Plans. Medicare is for people over 65, those on disability or those who have specific medical conditions.
Health Supplements
Health supplements work with health insurance to protect your finances from larger, specific risks like: Cancer, Heart/Stroke, Hospital, Short-Term Home Health, Maximum Out-Of-Pocket and Dental, Vision and Hearing plans.
We Follow Simple Steps
To Get You Covered
Needs Analysis
The first step to obtaining coverage is determining your needs of coverage, eligibility for financial assistance and ensuring your doctors, medications and preferred facilities are covered.
Next, I educate you on your need for coverage and the plans that will benefit you the most. The goal is to ensure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision without overwhelming you.
Choose Your Plans
Lastly, you choose your plans. Once we have established needs and goals and educate you on available products, you choose what you think will fit you and your family's needs and budget the best.